
From Dumpster to Adorable (Coffee Table Edition)

Although technically this one didn't get strong-armed from a dumpster in one of my manic dives to salvage the good stuff people just throw away...it was definitely looking rather 'dumpy' when it became mine.

So, maybe I'm fudging a bit on this one...but since I do it all the time anyway (yeah, I definitely don't weigh that...my hair is sooo not naturally this color...and that SBD (silent but deadly) was totally me) hopefully you'll forgive me because I give you corny personal jokes AND before and after pictures.

Speaking of which:

And you thought I was going to give you a corny personal joke, weren't you?? I got this large lovely at the thrift shop so it was totally not a dumpster find...BUT it was rather dumpster worthy. It was missing it's glass inserts, had some chipped and peeling veneer, and was pretty banged up all over.

Did I let that stop me?

(and let's get it clear here that by 'me' I'm implying the plural 'me' which includes myself and my husband...you know, because we are one and all that)

NO I DID NOT! I told me that the top needed to be stripped and clear polyed, the sides painted pristine white, and the inside of the shelves painted a lovely turquoise to match my end tables.

Me said, "Are you kidding? Stripping this thing will take forever and I hate painting with a passion to rival a thousand suns!"

But I persisted and he finally did what I asked. Aren't 'me's just the best?!?
Love you, Sugar Lump Lump!!

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