

Let's just go ahead and start this off on the right foot with a picture:
So you've painted the front door a bold and beautiful red that says 'Hello! I'm lovely AND welcoming' (in a totally humble and not off-putting sort of way) but for some reason you are still scratching your head and thinking she's just not quite there yet. Then lightening strikes and your brain starts processing an avalanche of possibilities because you realize...you KNOW...what is missing...

A wreath!

And yeah, okay, maybe it was really Pinterest and not lightening...but either way it leaves you all tingly and buzzing to take on project number 347...also called 'The A.door.nment Project'.

Queue dramatic music!

Too much? How about elevator music? Maybe a hammer dulcimer playing very quietly in the background?

There is just no pleasing you!!

I happened to have a big 'ol bag of potpourri laying around...and a grapevine wreath...and some hemp twine...and some spray adhesive (I mean, really, who doesn't??) and I purchased some decorative floral moss from my favorite local craft store and VOILA...a wreath was born! I would give you a how to...except that you would be bored to tears because it was just that easy. Are you ready?

Step 1: wrap your wreath artistically with twine
Step 2: Spray adhesive where you want your moss to stick
Step 3: Stick the moss on...pull it out of the bag and smash it on the wreath and then shake the excess off
Step 4: Pull out various decorative potpourri pieces and hot glue them all willy nilly onto your vase
Step 5: Hang your masterpiece on the front door
Step 6: Lovingly admire your work and take photos so you can upload them to Pinterest where others can admire them as well
Step 7: Relax on the couch with some wine knowing you accomplished great things (optional)

By the way...that decorative potpourri will NOT hold up long term to a downpour. So you might want to pull her inside when it gets wet out if you don't have a portico.



Kitchen catch up

Have you ever had an idea about a project in an over-excited-to-see-the-final-product-so-maybe-slightly-demented-need-to-begin sort of way?

Yeah...me neither....

Ok...it's true! I confess! I am so guilty of this that I've started like eighteen projects and have yet to complete one all the way through....don't look at me like that!! STOP JUDGING MEEEE!!!

My kitchen was one of those projects. I had this manic, totally over-the-top energy in picking out wood stains and counter tops and cabinets in the beginning. I worked my man into a frenzy installing this and tweaking that, but then my high ran out and I thought 'eh...it don't look so bad that way...i'll do it tomorrow'. We've been puttering around with this and that for weeks, ignoring those final little details on the kitchen and leaving it in this semi-dressed state that wasn't exactly horrid...but not even close to presentable either.
Then finally....FINALLY...we got tired of our more-than-half-but-not-yet-done kitchen and started back in with fervor.

We picked out and installed the backsplash tile:
We fixed, prepped, and painted the wainscoting to match the cabinets:
We dressed out our peninsula with corbels and baseboard trim:

We painted the walls with Oops paint and prayed it would look good:

We picked out and installed the cabinet hardware:

Just a few more things and she'll be all glammed up and ready to go! Oh, this slighty-demented-and-over-excited-need to see this kitchen come together will be fulfilled soon!