
Totally Recalled Dining Room

The dining room in our house sort of reminded me of the movie Total Recall. In it's day, the graphics and makeup artistry was top of the line. But it was hot in the 90s...it's heyday has passed...and compared to movies like Avatar, it's incredibly dated and boring.

It was a pastel pink lover's dream...complete with textured wallpaper that looks like....umm...wheat? or brushstrokes? or maybe the tracks left on the beach by a sea turtle?
I like sea turtles...I really do. I really didn't like the wallpaper.
However, I was terrified of pulling it off the walls. What if the former owners had slapped that paper right up on the drywall? What if when I try to pull it off, I pull up huge chunks of drywall with it? What if this becomes a nightmarish fix where I am up at night mudding and sanding walls trying in vain to get a smooth surface!?!? WHAT IF!?!?!?

Then without so much as a by-your-leave, my husband reached up, grabbed a dangling corner and yanked the paper right off the wall...just. like. that.

Apparently the former owners properly prepped the walls before wallpapering (HUGE sigh of relief). After two nights of tearing off wallpaper and some mild prep work on the walls, they were ready for paint. So we painted and painted and painted. We painted the walls...we painted the wainscoting...we painted the chandelier (which I now regret)...we went a little paint happy. But now...with all the painting done ...we have left behind the Total Recall Dining Room and introduce you to Avatar Dining Room.

Okay okay....maybe it's more of a pre-production-Avatar Dining Room. But she's getting there! We actually painted the same color in here as we did on the outside of the house here. It's called Fashion Grey and it's by Behr and all the trimmings are done in a semi-gloss white. We've already spent a lot of time working on this room and it's not even close to being finished. What's left to do?

1. Recover dining room chairs (AGAIN! more on that later)
2. Put up curtains
3. Paint Sideboard and China Cabinet
4. Put up some pictures
5. Refinish the floor

One step closer, Emma! We're getting you all put together now!

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